connect with us

cee bas services is a privately held Prague-based accounting firm.

We provide a variety of accounting, tax, and financial and business management services. cee bas was founded with the purpose of providing dependable, high quality accounting services to meet the needs of our tax clients throughout the Czech Republic and internationally.

Through our sister company, cee tax management, we ensure that the international structures of our clients are accounted for appropriately and that we keep abreast of tax law changes throughout the year.

Our clients include businesses, joint ventures, families, individuals and trusts. We also have individualised services for businesses in specialised industries (such as real estate) and for individuals (including family offices), in order to address your specific challenges, compliance needs and industry standard tax practices.

We work with a secure, cloud-based accounting software system, allowing - if required - remote client access for data entry and reporting purposes. This system provides speed, ease of use, and on demand access to current financial data.

For more information please refer to cee tax group.